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INDIVIDUAL CONSULTATIONS Support while providing social services, consultations with external experts for solving problems in the field of social services or based off of your individual needs and…


Support while providing social services, consultations with external experts for solving problems in the field of social services or based off of your individual needs and requests.

As part of the consultation you will get:

8 hours of work in the organization, including a record of the consultation.



The consultations include 8 hours of work in the organization, as well as a record of the consultation, which will be received by the social service provider – the submitter of the contract. Conclusions, outputs, and recommendations from the consultation are available to the provider – the submitter of the contract for implementation in his/her practice.


a) adjusting a target group and offer of services

influence of a target group and offer of services for providing social services, adjusting of the offer, boundaries of service

b) individual planning of services for a client

purpose of an individual plan, creation of an individual plan, assessment

c) assessment of client’s needs

purpose and methods for identifying clients’ needs

d) personnel management of organization and training of workers

selection and training of workers, their evaluation, guidance of meetings, education, and educational plans for workers

e) management of the organization

managerial skills, goals of the organization, guiding of the organization, leading system

f) public relations and informing about services

purpose of informing, target group, the suitability of different ways of communication

g) internal evaluation of quality of service

goal of social services, evaluation of goals, evaluation of quality of service provided to clients

h) documentation of social service

purposes and types of documentation, document management system, use of documentation for improvement of social service quality

i) topic according to the organization’s needs


For all providers of social services.

For all who work in direct care in social services






Bc. Hana Jarsku00e1, DiS.

Bc. Hana Jarsku00e1, DiS.

Po přestěhování z Prahy do "domečku" za Prahou, v mém případě návrat do "rodné vesnice", jsem dostala nabídku pracovat jako pečovatelka ve Farní charitě Neratovice. Práci jsem vzala, řekněme z nutnosti. Rozhodující v ten moment pro mě byl fakt, že je to práce u lidí doma a nemusím se nic složitého učit. Jaké bylo mé překvapení, když jsem zjistila, jak mě naplňuje a cítím se velmi dobře. Doplnila jsem si povinný kurz Pracovníka v sociálních službách a v zaměstnání mě povýšili na vedoucí pečovatelské služby. Zhruba po roce jsem zjistila, že vzdělání je v tomto oboru víc, než důležité a začala jsem studovat VOŠ, MILLS, Čelákovice z kterého se ze mě po čtyřech letech stala sociální pracovnice. Kvůli dalšímu zvyšování kvalifikace jsem začala studovat na VŠZSP v Příbrami. Byl to pro mě nový impulz pro nové myšlenky a náboj do práce. Zhruba po devíti letech jsem se rozhodla posunout dál a přijala jsem místo ve společnosti TopHelpPlus poskytující komplexní služby v domácím prostředí. Zde mohu uplatnit svoje znalosti a také je dále předávat.

Mgr. Vojtěch Měřička AChLj

Mgr. Vojtěch Měřička AChLj

I began my career with master’s studies as a social worker and hospital chaplain at the Saint Charles Borromeo Home in Prague – Řepy. I did not perceive service to ill people as a burdensome job where you simply have to go, but as an exciting opportunity to “commit good to people” and grow both humanly and professionally at the same time. When I finished my master’s studies in theology and psychosocial sciences, I transferred from LDN (health facility for long-term sicknesses) to mobile specialized palliative care, where I acted as coordinator of social services and a hospital chaplain.

Again, work has brought challenges and opportunities, especially in the field of communication with those with severe illnesses and their families. For the first time, I have experienced people management, planning interventions, lecturing, etc. In cooperation with VŠZSP, I have participated in publishing study materials for social work and nursing in palliative care, lectured PSP courses and many more. After two years, a bunch of good work has been done. But because life’s a change and the tree of life is very colorful, from April 1st, I started as the leading social worker at TopHelp’s branch in Prague. What I do here is coordination of services of assistants, conducting meetings with interested parties, social investigation at the client’s place of residence (or i.e. in the hospital, if the service applicant is hospitalized). I also communicate with the family, because a good quality personal assistance has to always be on a level of a good partnership. I like clear arrangements which make good friends. And because making such friendships is my daily bread, I go to work with a smile…



The consultations are led by experienced consultants for a great price



The consultations enable you to increase the quality of social service and, if necessary, solve problems in this area.


As part of the consultations you will get:

8 hours of work in the organization, a record of the consultation.





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